Just Be Free

She's afraid? But of what you may say. Afraid to fail. That she will not fit in. Afraid to lose. While in wait for a win. That her life will soon be short lived. In the night, prayers of might she does mourn. 

To this one I declare you LIVE ON! Not to fall. But ascend to the sea. Do not fear. Walk in faith. And believe!! You have ALL. Everything that you need. Just dig deep; look within. And be free!!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

A Facts Worth

As a child I used to think I had an angel on one side and a devil on the other. And my thoughts were ALWAYS to do what was right because I KNEW my angel would write everything down. And IGNORE [turn away from and don't give praise to] the devil on the other side of me. 

Here's my thought for today. If we'd get more in the mindset of thinking about what we're thinking about it might change the way things turn out to be. Especially when it comes to relating to people, places, and things! Meaning, before we make judgement or comments about what we "believe"; think about it or research the facts. It'll save you from a LOT of apologies. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Woman of Virtue


Single-hood can seem challenging but I promise it’s worth the wait. Esther’s wait positioned her in favor with the King. Ruth followed Naomi and God sent her “Boo thang”. The Bride of Christ awaits to behold our husband-man. And your willingness to wait says, 


His favor is tied to God leading him to YOU. THIS is what Proverbs 31 says #WomanOfVirtue 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Stand Up

Did you know that adults can be bullies too? Especially among women. Some bully out of intimidation. Others from inner rejections. And the other percentile do it just because they believe it's okay and they just can. So do you stand up to it or just ignore and walk away? Well, someone once told me that a good run is better than a bad stand. And I would agree accept in this case how do you know if the bullying will push you over the edge or make you do something you wouldn't normally do or on a pleasant day normally think to say? My advice is to nip it in the bud when it starts. Overcommunicate....This is ALWAYS key. Find out what the real issue is, talk it out, and move on. If in a work setting and you can't resolve the issue this way then you go a step above. But don't hide behind fear when you can walk away with confidence and inner peace. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Above the Noise

Stay focused on what you are called to do. Avoid things that try to take you off task. Use wisdom in your daily walk of faith. And only respond when you have reason to. If whats brought to you does not hold truth and you've already addressed it. Then shake the dust off your feet and keep moving. It's a distraction. Rise above the noise!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Reality Check

In order for deliverance to occur one must stand toe to toe with what has held them down. Admit the issue and take steps necessary to break through. Adjustments must be made. They may feel awkward but the outcome will set you free Think positive. Its not always easy. But it will be worth it in the end.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Stand Clear

If you find yourself in the same never ending cycle it could be that your perception needs to change. Seek clarity and wisdom on how to get through. When the way is revealed. GET OUT STAND CLEAR and STAY FREE!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Don't Give Up

Don't give up. I know what it looks like. But the right door will open soon enough. Build yourself in hope that says everything will be okay. Keep pressing. Keep believing #And whatever you do. Dont stop moving.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~ 

Finish The Race

Hey ladies,

It's not the one who races to the finish line that always obtains the prize. But the one who continues on, he (or she), that will enjoy the benefits of running it in the first place😉. So keep running☺️ and DONT give up.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

My Name Is

You're not the first and won't be the last to face rejection. Many people deal with others who pay them no nevermind. Whose mission is to discourage you from all you set out to be. This is why determination and belief in one's own self is a necessity. It's not what you're called that determines who you are; but what you answer to. Demand respect for who you were born to be. A woman of FAITH, POWER, and AUTHORITY!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~



Do NOT drop your crown!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~


Free At Last


Never allow others to hold you to what happened in your past. Because YOU'RE FORGIVEN! And if God can forgive then why can't they? This said, reject ACCUSATIONS and hold firm to the LIBERTY that's made you free! 


~ Empowered & LIVE~

Dreams and Visions Webinar

Ladies join the group discussion 

Click to join the group

Women of Faith and Power


~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Quit Your Striving

His grace is sufficient for you. So quit your striving. And lean on Him. When we do things on our own strength and not that of the Lord our God. Then we will lose heart. Because we were never built to carry it all our own.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Kingdom Coaching Available


Hey ladies! I want to give you something for FREE! A Kingdom Coaching Transformation Master Class with one on one coaching! Join me as I bring you knowledge straight from the throne of grace. I will continue to post here to encourage in all you do; as this group was created to bring women together as a community of support for individuals like me and you. 

In addition I am offering one on one coaching that will help bring clarity to life's goals, promote leadership, give counsel, and inspire the wellness of your mind, body, AND soul. This IS the WOMEN'S EMPOWERMENT LAUNCH and we ARE a GLOBAL NETWORK of WOMEN ON THE MOVE. To receive updates from Kingdom Coach @mrsempoweredstephens just "Like" our Womens Empowerment Launch Facebook page and you're all set!

Now, MOVE FORWARD in what YOU were created to do. Join me today! Like the page and remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 10

Love is unconditional God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died  for us. —Romans 5:8 


Wives, do something out of the ordinary today for your spouse—something  that proves (to you and him) that your love is based on your choice and nothing else. Run his bath water. Clean the kitchen. Fix his favorite entrée. Fold the laundry. Demonstrate love to him for the sheer joy of  being his partner in marriage. 

Single ladies, take yourself out for a day of pampering. You owe it to yourself. And you never know if Mr. Right will be where you are😉

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 9

Love makes good impressions. Greet one another with  a kiss of love. —1 Peter  5:14 


Think of a specific way you’d like to greet your children today. Do it with a smile and with enthusiasm. Even when they misbehave be determined to change your greeting to reflect your love for them. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 7

Love believes the best [Love] believes all things, hopes all things. —1 Corinthians 13:7 


For today’s dare, get a sheet of paper. On the first one, spend a few minutes writing out positive things about yourself. At some point during the remainder of the day,  

pick a positive attribute from the list and thank God for having this characteristic. It's okay to celebrate what's on the inside of you☺️ #Created in His image #We are

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 6

Love is not irritable. He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty, and he who rules his spirit, than he who captures a city.   —Proverbs 16:32


Choose today to react to tough circumstances in loving ways instead of with irritation. Begin by making a list below of areas where you need to add margin to your schedule. Then list any wrong motivations that you need to release from your life. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 5

Love is not rude. He who blesses his friend with a loud voice early in the morning, it will be reckoned a curse to  him. —Proverbs 27:14 


Ladies, this may be a hard one but today I challenge you to ask your friends to tell you three things that cause them to be uncomfortable or irritated with you. You must do so without attacking them or justifying your behavior. This is from their perspective only. When they tell you then ask for a suggested gesture that you can consider moving forward.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 4

Love is thoughtful. How precious also are Your thoughts  to me.  . .  .How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.   —Psalm  139:17–18 

If you're married or dating, contact your significant other sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other than asking how he or is doing and if there is anything you could do for them. If not married or dating, try this with your parents or best friend. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 3

Love is not selfish. Be devoted to one another in sisterly love; give preference to one another in honor. Romans 12:10 


Whatever you put your time, energy, and money  into  will become more important to you. It’s hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy someone something that says, “I  was thinking  of you today.” 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 2

Love is kind Be kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving, just as God  in Christ also has forgiven  you. —Ephesians  4:32 


In addition to  saying nothing negative again today, do at least one unexpected  gesture as  an act of kindness. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 1

Love is patient Be completely humble and  gentle;  be patient,  bearing  with others  in  love. —Ephesians 4:2  


The first part of  this dare  is fairly  simple. Although love  is communicated  in a number of  ways,  our words often  reflect the condition of  our  heart. For the  next day,  resolve  to  demonstrate patience  and to  say  nothing  negative at all. If the temptation  arises, choose not to say anything. It’s  better to  hold  your tongue  than  to  say something  you’ll regret.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Spread the Love

Give those to life flowers while they're alive. Don't wait until they die to celebrate who they were. But let them know through words that say, "I do care". You never know what someone needs to brighten up their day. Not tomorrow or next week. But right now. Or before the end of the today. So, howAbout it? WhatDoYouSay

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Speak Life

Speak that  God’s  anointing will destroy  every  yoke  in  your life  and that  your soul,  spirit,  and  body  now  function  in  order  according  to divine  systems  of  protocol  (1  Cor.  9:27;  14:40). Speak life

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Prayer Petition

Today, place  upon  yourself  the  armor  of  light  and  of  the  Lord  (Rom. 13:12;  Eph.  6:13–17): 

Truth  to  cover  your loins  (Ps.  51:6) The  breastplate  of  righteousness  to  cover  your heart and  chest  cavity  (Ps.  5:12;  2  Cor.  6:7) The  gospel  of  peace  to  cover  your feet  (Isa.  52:7) The  shield  of  faith  to  defensively  and  offensively  cover your body  (Heb.  10:38;  11:1,  6) The  helmet  of  salvation  to  cover  your head  (Isa.  59:17;  1 Thess.  5:8) The  sword  of  the  Spirit,  which  is  the  Word  of  God (Eph.  6:17;  Rev.  1:16) The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  (Rom.  13:14)

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Everybody Cant Go

Everybody's not meant to walk with you in all seasons of your life. Find out the purpose they're around for. And decide what to do from there. Choose wisely. And don't think twice about how things are meant to be. Now, remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Think Fabulously

What do you think about yourself? I think you're FABULOUS. And I know someone else who thinks so too. So why dontcha say we touch and agree. Believe because I believe. What do YOU see?

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Just Sing

Sometimes you have to sing to yourself,

"I've got a feeling that everything's gonna be alright. I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright. I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright. Be alright. Be alright. Be alright. This one's for YOU!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

The Trumpet

by Bill Burns:

Do you hear it?  I hear the sound of water moving.  I hear the sound of rapids.  I hear the sound of waterfalls.  I hear the sound of the living water that is flowing to you on your behalf in this time, says the Lord.  I hear it.  Do you hear it?  I feel it.  Do you feel it?  Come into this place where the living waters are now touching you, renewing you and healing you; bringing you the wisdom, joy and peace that you need in your life this day. Allow the living waters to move into you, through you, and you will find your way.  The path of life will be opened and demonstrated to you as you go.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Push Through

You have what it takes to PUSH through! PAST adversity! BEYOND ill spoken words!! And ABOVE the chaos that comes throughout your day #ItSmiNdOveRMatter #PUSH THROUGH #Heavens Rooting for YOU

The Trumpet

by Bill Burns

I keep hearing the voice of the Spirit saying, call My people to a position of understanding that their desire to know Me is greater today than it was yesterday and greater in these moments than it ever has been before.  Tell them to forget the troubling things that are behind. To forget all those heartaches and failures that they remember because the enemy brings condemnation to them. Let them forget those things and press on into the high calling of this season and of this age into My presence. And, if they will do so I will lead them out of the valley of destruction. And, I will bring them forth into the light and hope of that which I have designed for each and every one of them. This is what I am calling you into today. Come and be one with Me. Come and know Me.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

I Speak Life

You want healing? See yourself healed! You NEED deliverance? See yourself delivered! All it takes is ONE miracle. One touch from the Master's hand. Speak over yourself. And be made whole! Get into the Word and meditate on His promises. I speak LIFE. You're gonna make it. Its time for you. To LIVE again!!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Bread of Heaven Devotional

by Gwen Stephens 

Someone is at a place where you need to make a decision. Will I run or will I stay? Should I continue or look for a better way? Before you make a move out of haste, perhaps you should ask Holy Spirit what His plans are. He doesn't mind answering your hearts cry on any given day. But how will you know if you never ask? "How do I know"; you might say. The Word of God says that His Word is a light to our path and a lamp to our feet. Open your Word and allow the scriptures to freely speak. Look up verses that pertain to what you're in need of and ask Holy Spirit to reveal the secrets of His heart. He will provide just what you need to get through. Now breathe, trust Him to bring your mind to rest and peace, and with patience wait on it. For it will surely come to past. Now, remember ALWAYS to,

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Press Into My Presence

by June Reinke

Press into My presence, says the LORD.  Come empty and hungry.  Thirst for ME, the living GOD.  Desire Me and seek My face!  Do not become satisfied with left over anointing!  I have fresh oil for you.  Do not eat stale bread. I have fresh bread for you to eat!  I will satisfy the hungry and refresh the thirsty.  I will not turn you away or give you a sip or teaspoon or crumb just to tease you. I will fill you to capacity and overflowing with My Holy Spirit and My power, and give you unspeakable joy, says the LORD.

Let Me give you everything that you need and be your total source, says the LORD.  For I have so much more for you than you can even fathom or contain.  I have more for you than you have asked or imagined.  I WILL DO more for you than you even thought.  For I desire to bless you and give you pleasures forevermore in My presence. I will lavish you with My love and surprise you with hidden treasures that will cause you to be amazed. It is pleasurable for Me to show you My faithfulness and load you with benefits.  It is My desire to take care of you and give you all things to enjoy.  I desire to be with you and fellowship with you.  My joy is exceeding as you seek Me with all your heart, and you be fully satisfied with My love, says the LORD.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Check the Signs

The only faithful word is the one that means just what it says. The promise of a spoken word means what it says and will deliver just that. 

Ladies, be sure he's faithful to uphold what he says he's going to do. If he can't be trusted to keep his word then why trust him to uphold his faithfulness to you? It's the small things that reveal the most truth #Check the signs 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Small Staws in a Soft Wind

by Marsha Burns:

Carefully consider your options for change.  Use discernment in finding help to achieve your goals.  Most of the people you encounter will be more concerned about what they can gain by helping you than caring about your interests.  Put your trust in Me to lead you in the way you should go.  I will take you through obstacles that would subvert your efforts, says the Lord.  

Psalms 32:8 

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Bread of Heaven Devotional

by Gwen Stephens

The Word in Isaiah 1:18 gives us pardon for our sins [wrongful thinking, ungodly actions, waywardness]. The word that makes this a but and if clause is "come". This means we must take up our cross [whatever weighs us down, issues we face, whatever we carry in our hearts and mind] and make a conscious decision to move forward.

"Come now, let us reason together...Isa 1: 18)

And "if" we are willing and obedient "then" we will eat the good of the land; vs. 19. This doesn't mean to the letter of the law. For if we live by the letter we will be judged [also] by it. But if we use the wisdom of God in our daily walk and seek Him through the understanding of His Word, what we ask for we will receive guidance in which direction He would have us to take. We will know if our will lines up with His and if our desires align with the plans preconceived for our life. Invite Him in your decision's today. See won't He lead and guide you in all truth.

Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

Isaiah 1:18-19

[18] "Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD, "Though your sins are like scarlet, They shall be as white as snow; Though they are red like crimson, They shall be as wool. [19] If you are willing and obedient, You shall eat the good of the land

Galatians 2:19-20

[19] For I through the law died to the law that I might live to God [20] I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

John 16:13

However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.


~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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Bread of Heaven Devotional

by Gwen Stephens

Holy Spirit you are welcome in the secret place of my heart. Come do what you want to do. Let there be a Holy fire come into the hearts of your people. Father, overwhelm us with your love for we are loved by you. Let no false doctrine or religion take control of what the Holy Spirit wants us to subdue. You are present. Holy Spirit have your way.

Dearly Beloved, I desire to sup with you. I want to communicate my love. I want to communicate my plans. But you must still your heart. Take hold of my peace for it is available to all who would come. I have called you to this place of true surrender. So cast aside murmuring and do not be ashamed. Walk after the sumilitudes of Holiness and make righteousness your armor of truth. Be santified through the washing of my spirit. For I have loved you and am ready to do a new thing in and through your life. Submit your will. Drop your guard. And declare my peace. 


Change of Thought

Take control of your life. By changing what you say, thought pattern, and even people who add stress to your day. If you find yourself thinking  something that brings on stress, then stop, take a deep breath, and think on something joyful. Do not give negativity the time of day. Relax your mind and think on something new. That which brings joy to heart. No more stress or boggling thoughts. Only positive vibes. Now breathe and know everything will be okay. 

From the desk of the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Womens Empowerment Launch


Gwen Stephens 

Remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Be Not Moved


People will try their best to get the best of you but we must recognize it for what it is; a bullying spirit. How do you overcome a person of this nature? With kindness, love, and boldness in who you are. No, don't be a pushover but learn which battles need to be fought and the weapon to use while fighting them. Now, remember ALWAYS to,

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Bread of Heaven Daily Devotional

by Gwen Stephens

Father wants us to have faith in all things. Have faith that what He promised He will bring to pass. Not only tangible [things seen] but intangibles; in realms of the heavenlies. No longer earthbound in what we see. Through grace justified by faith in our covenant relationship with Savior Lord; Jesus the Christ. We are heirs and joint-heirs with Him. So we no longer fight from positions to [win the] victory but to victory we have [already] overcome -- through the blood of the Lamb and words of our testimony.

Revelation 12:11
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives to the death.



Exercise your will to discipline your thoughts and emotions.  You have the ability to bring yourself under control--even under the control of My Spirit, says the Lord.  Only from that position will you find peace and a sense of well-being.  Quiet your soul, and let Me lead you out of turmoil and sorrow.  I am your help in times of trouble.  Psalms 9:9 The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Bread of Heaven Daily Devotional

by Gwen Stephens

These are confusing times. But you must continue to trust in me. I will not lead you the wrong way. Come and ask what you will. I will show you a brighter day. Will you not take my hand? To walk you down the path called straight. This is my desire Dearly Beloved. To make my thoughts for your life plain and clear. Let me lead the way.

Psalms 16:11
You will show me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore

~Be Empowered &  LIVE~

What's Done is Done



What's done is done! There is nothing you can change about what you have endured. It is now time for you to rise up out of the dead ashes of the past and begin to move forward on the path that I have chosen for you, says the Lord. What you have learned will serve you well.

Philippians 3:13-14
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead,  I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

The Light Shines Through



Watch for My light to break forth into your life. And, if you receive My light, then your light will begin to shine in a fresh, new way. The glory of the light that shines within you will awaken your spirit, and you will begin to overcome those things that have been established and set against you. If you allow My Spirit to lead you, you will overcome the deeds of the flesh and the challenges of this life. It is My purpose for you to excel in the power of My Kingdom. Let this day be a day of new beginnings for you.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Broken Bruised Healed Webcast

I Dance

Dancing in the sunlight. Standing in the rain. This is how I made it through. Yet I rose again!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Shift Don't Shake



You are about to shift from what you deemed important, or even vital to your life, to a value system that reflects spiritual reality more completely.  The shift will be subtle enough that you might not be aware of it until some time passes.  You are receiving spiritual training through the things you suffer and have suffered.  Do not lose balance in this time, says the Lord.

Hebrews 5:8
though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

In Faith and Hope Come


Come to Me with faith and hope.  Come to Me with expectation. Come to Me and know that the journey I have prepared for you is a far better journey than you yourself can see.  Know that in this very specific time frame you can grow spiritually, you can know Me better, you can come and receive the grace, the wisdom, and the joy that I have for you.  Come and enjoy Me in this season, says the Lord God.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Now Breathe

Take a deep breath and say to yourself,

"Self, I got this. Because greater lives on the inside of me"

Now, believe and you can achieve anything you set out to do! Now, remember ALWAYS to,

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Cast it Down

If something is taunting, worrying, or agitating you then close the door on it and do not entertain. Distractions come to take our focus off what we should be engaged in and try to rule our emotions through an attack on the mind, will, or how we "feel" from day to day. Cast it down, close the door, and send it back from where it came! Now, remember ALWAYS in Jesus name😊to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Season of Change

Know the season that you're in right now and use discernment for where God has postured you to be. Take nothing for granted at this time and be careful to utilize the resources that you've been given. Be careful for nothing but do all things through prayer and supplication. And remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Go to the Rock



When nothing around you seems stable, come to Me.  Remember that your stability originates spiritually and filters down to your sense of well-being naturally.  You must press into the place of peace that only comes from My presence, says the Lord.  Refuse to allow your feelings of instability to dictate your responses.

Isaiah 26:3
You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Weigh All Things



Evaluate your priorities and deliberately and carefully consider and weigh your options for moving forward.  Choose according to the path that will allow for a clear conscience, moral excellence, and spiritual growth.  Allow My Spirit to be your guide and to establish you on higher ground  in righteousness, says the Lord.  Come out of every sort of darkness into the light of life.

Titus 1:15
To the pure all things are pure, but to those who are defiled and unbelieving nothing is pure; but even their mind and conscience are defiled.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Learn to Press Through



Watch for opportunities to extricate yourself from hindrances that have kept you from achieving your short-term destiny.  Be willing to let go of problems of the past and reach forward to new possibilities that will cause your soul to prosper, says the Lord.  If you can do this successfully, you will be delighted with the new version of your life.

Philippians 3:13
Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~




Many of you, My people, feel as though you have stagnated and have no ability to move beyond your current difficulties.  I tell you honestly that it is not your ability that matters; it is the strength of your faith in My ability to do what you cannot.  You must stop relying on your own efforts and common sense and begin to rely on Me, says the Lord.  Rise up to walk and live in the Spirit.

Luke 1:37
For with God nothing will be impossible.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Set A Watch


Set a watch over your mind and emotions so that you don't get carried away from truth and reality.  You must be quiet enough to perceive and discern spiritually so that you know what I am doing and where I am taking you, says the Lord.  That which the enemy has meant to be evil or harmful to you, I will turn to your benefit.  Make every effort to get in the flow of My Spirit.

Romans 8:28
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Practice Self Control



Exercise your will to discipline your thoughts and emotions.  You have the ability to bring yourself under control--even under the control of My Spirit, says the Lord.  Only from that position will you find peace and a sense of well-being.  Quiet your soul, and let Me lead you out of turmoil and sorrow.  I am your help in times of trouble.

Psalms 9:9
The Lord also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

You Stood the Test of Time



The struggle has been daunting, but you have persevered.  You have been tested and found to be tried-and-true.  You have learned some valuable lessons and been able to make adjustments that you otherwise would not have made.  And, your position has been strengthened, says the Lord.  Stand strong in your faith.

Proverbs 17:3
The refining pot is for silver and the furnace for gold, but the Lord tests the hearts.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Believe Only

Believe that you can be restored. Believe in Me, for I will bring you to a place where you can do far better than you imagined.  I will help you find the place of believing and receiving. I have undergirded you with the word of truth. Now allow the word of truth to take you on this journey of restoration. Be restored in My presence. Be restored by My word. For, this is the season you find yourself in. This is exactly what I have for you. I say to you, simply believe and allow My Spirit to bring you to a place of restoration so you can be all that you were designed to be, says the Lord.



Discouragement and hopelessness will derail you from being on track with My Spirit, says the Lord.  Refuse to allow your emotions to take you down.  Bolster yourself in the kind of faith that defeats doubt and unbelief.  The enemy would have you question the reality of My kingdom and the power of My presence.  I am real and My word is true!

1 Samuel 12:24

Only fear the LORD, and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Work in Excellence

Do things in the spirit of excellence and your work will speak for itself!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns

You have been in a whirlwind of circumstances, which caused you to rethink your position on several fronts.  That flurry is virtually over, and you can now begin to stabilize. My desire is for you to further develop spiritual discernment. This will be a key element in your progression, says the Lord. I will speak to those who have ears to hear.

Mark 4:9
And He said to them, "He who has ears to hear, let him hear!"

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Conform to Him

We don't have to conform to what people think about you or me, but it's what GOD designed us to be! This doesn't mean we'll turn out the way WE think we should be. But when we trust His lead and let His will be done our SHALL BE will be GREATER than what we imagined or could even think

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Celebrate You

Don't think someone else will celebrate you when you won't celebrate your own self. No more pity parties. It's time to Be Empowered & LIVE #For REAL

Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns

Pull in your wandering thoughts by being aware of your mental process.  Bring your soul under the authority of Christ in every situation.  It is important for you to actually walk and live in the Spirit instead of allowing your flesh to rule.  Rise up in the spiritual realm and yield to My leading, says the Lord.  I want to keep you in the safety of My presence.  

2 Corinthians 10:5 
casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.

My Name is Victory

You can choose to let the situation get you down. Or make a choice to learn from it and STEP INTO a place of VICTORY! I choose the latter and so should YOU!

Remember ALWAYS to,

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns

Get focused and stay focused.  Refuse to allow anyone or anything to distract you from the importance of what you have been given to do.  Chaos abounds as mental and emotional whirlwinds rage around you.  But, you must establish yourself in the peace that surpasses understanding, says the Lord.  Be strong and calm.

Hosea 8:7
They sow the wind, and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no bud; it shall never produce meal. If it should produce, aliens would swallow it up.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

It Is What It Is

Sometimes you just have to let it be what it's gonna be! Walking away or standing still does not mean you're giving up. It just means you know your boundaries #And it is what it is

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Small Straws in a Soft Wind by Marsha Burns

You live in precariously us times, and it is more important than ever that you live in the Spirit.  Be alert and aware of the schemes of the enemy.  I am your refuge and place of safety at all times.  Trust Me to expose the danger around you and to keep you from harm, says the Lord.

Psalm 91:9
Because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place, no evil shall befall you, nor shall any plague come near your dwelling

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Mirror On The Wall

When you look in the mirror what do you see? I see beauty looking back at me. Not perfected yet but striving to be. Here's what the world should see when they see you. A woman who's made phenomenally #Poetry from a place #I've overcome

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

I Survived

I survived and so can YOU!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Lift Your Head Up

You are fearfully and wonderfully made. So lift your head up high and walk confidently. Now, let no one tell you differently!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Stay on Course



Stay the course.  Be strong and refuse to deviate from what you know is right and good.  The problems that you face will be resolved in a few days, but you must be calm and do what you can to stay in order. Put your complete trust in Me to reveal the value of your recent challenges and to unveil your divine purpose, says the Lord. 

Psalms 20:4
May He grant you according to your heart's desire, and fulfill all your purpose.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Shake it Off

Dont sweat the small stuff. Instead, brush it off and KEEP MOVING!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Weekly Bible Readings

Psalms 34:8
O taste and see that the LORD [Yahweh] [is] good: blessed [is] the man [that] trusts in him.
The Following Chapters Are Part of an Ongoing Bible Reading Program:

Additional Readings

Proverbs Chapter 22
Matthew Chapter 21
Psalms Chapter 21
2 Corinthians Chapter 5
Genesis Chapter 21
1 Samuel Chapter 21
Isaiah Chapter 21

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Baby Im Worth It

He won't give you away if he really wants you to stay! Know your worth! You are not somebodies second best!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Wel Inc History

My name is Gwen Stephens; Founder and President of the Women's Empowerment Launch. About 3 years ago Father placed a vision within to start a movement. A league of ladies, leaders, students, educated and not, young and old, from many backgrounds of ethnic and social groups. In a strive to bring women together across the globe. In support of femininity, accomplishments, and provide moral support.

Inside every woman there's a glimpse of [both] you and me. The struggle, gain, results from success, and unwanted pain; Kings and Queens; we're born to be. Father shared that we're made to help build strong families! By pushing men to walk in their Priestly identities, teaching children the way love is supposed to be, and supporting each other's diversity. Privileged  to walk in faith, hope, love, and Heavenly Royalty!

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And remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~


Do you need help?  Ask Me.  I will give you the wisdom necessary to accomplish whatever has been set before you.  Let me lead you in the right direction.  There is nothing too hard or impossible for Me, says the Lord.  Exercise your faith and trust Me.

Psalms 46:1
God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Thieves Not Allowed


Be careful not to give your pearls over to robbers and thieves. Things that take your joy, hijack your peace, and invade your space and privacy!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Stay Ready!

If you STAY ready you don't have to GET ready! What this means is life happens. But if you stay ahead then you don't have to rush when unexpected happenings take place.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Shoes of Peace

Alright ladies! Let the journey continue on. This week's lesson from Patricia Shirer's book is on

Shoes of Peace

If you haven't already purchased her book titled, "The Armor of God", it's not too late! Put on peace today; and rest in Him.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~


Self-control is not only the fruit of My Spirit; it is a virtue.  Position yourself to exercise  restraint as you choose to walk in the Spirit, and everything will work out to your benefit.  I will lead you in the ways of righteousness and peace, says the Lord.  Trust Me to undertake on your behalf. 

Galatians 5:22-23
But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

The Answer is Still Yes

It will come to past! Your LIVING is NOT in vain. Your labor is NOT in vain! Your praying is NOT in vain! Though it tarries the answer is STILL YES! No more delay. GET READY! For it will SURELY come to past!!! NO MORE DELAY SAYS THE LORD!!!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

About My Business

Focus! Focus! Focus! Be about your business on today. For there is much that needs to be done. Time is of the essense. And make sure you perform in the spirit of excellence. The end result will prove you ran the race well and won!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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You're welcome to share this Facebook group too. That's what it's all about! We encourage, we equipt, and we educate; regardless of race, educational status, or religious decree! WE are the light of the world! And if we shine the RIGHT MESSAGE WILL COME FORTH #Through the lives of YOU and me. If you would like to join this movement email your interest to admin@womensempowermentlaunch.org. And remember always to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Early Bird Gets The Worm

One of the keys to success is making sure you're on time for everything you have to do. Whether work, doctor's appointments, or just what you've planned to do #The early bird gets the worm

~Be Empowered & LIVE~