Wel Inc History

My name is Gwen Stephens; Founder and President of the Women's Empowerment Launch. About 3 years ago Father placed a vision within to start a movement. A league of ladies, leaders, students, educated and not, young and old, from many backgrounds of ethnic and social groups. In a strive to bring women together across the globe. In support of femininity, accomplishments, and provide moral support.

Inside every woman there's a glimpse of [both] you and me. The struggle, gain, results from success, and unwanted pain; Kings and Queens; we're born to be. Father shared that we're made to help build strong families! By pushing men to walk in their Priestly identities, teaching children the way love is supposed to be, and supporting each other's diversity. Privileged  to walk in faith, hope, love, and Heavenly Royalty!

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And remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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