Today, we will begin our 40 DAY SOUL FAST shared from the book by Dr. Cindy Trimm. Take this journey with us as we walk through the second year of our MINDSET MATTERS CHALLENGE. Grab a journal, comment to this post. Either way, it’s about reclaiming and walking in what belongs to YOU today and forevermore!
Day One
By thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. —MATTHEW 12:37, KJV
Discipline #1:
Our words are powerful. They have power, presence, and prophetic implications with no time or place limitations. In other words, many things that are happening in our lives can be traced back to the words we have spoken in the past—a kind of self-fulfilled prophecy. We create the future by the words we speak, which is a conduit of the thoughts we think. Whether internal private dialogues or audible expressions of our thoughts, feelings, and intentions articulated by sound, we can build or tear down our lives and the world in which we live. Like a plant wilts or thrives based on what kind of nutrients, water, and sunlight it receives, so do individuals, families, communities, and countries wilt or thrive based on words. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (Prov. 18:21). The fruit of your words
becomes the reality of your life. When you change your words, you change your reality.
Do you remember certain teachers you had in school who caused you to either wilt or thrive because of what they said?
Have you ever said or thought something negative and then observed it come to pass?
How often do you come into agreement with negative words being spoken about people or situations (whether it is in conversation or in the news) instead of listening to God’s heart and perspective?
Who are some people who do an exceptional job of watching their words and speaking words of life?
What is a step you could take toward guarding the words you speak and only releasing words of life?
Ask God to give you a mental picture of what happens in the spirit realm when you speak negative words. Then ask Him to give you a mental picture of what happens when you speak positive words.
Ask God to bring to your mind someone who needs encouragement—and then ask Him to help you craft it. Deliver that message however you wish.
Start a fund for the needy. For every negative thought or negative word spoken by you, your family, or close friends and associates, agree to give a dollar to that fund. At the end of every week or month, give it to someone less fortunate or to your favorite charity. Do this for a year.
Say this out loud:
Dear Lord, give me grace to see the fruit of the words that leave my lips. Help me to be mindful of whether I am releasing words of life or death, and empower me by Your Holy Spirit to only release words of life.
I know that without You it would be impossible, so I choose to lean on You, listen, and yield to Your promptings. I choose to align myself with heaven’s perspective and release words of life from Your heart so that Your will can be done on earth as it is in heaven.
~Be Empowered & LIVE~
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