by Gwen Stephens
Holy Spirit you are welcome in the secret place of my heart. Come do what you want to do. Let there be a Holy fire come into the hearts of your people. Father, overwhelm us with your love for we are loved by you. Let no false doctrine or religion take control of what the Holy Spirit wants us to subdue. You are present. Holy Spirit have your way.
Dearly Beloved, I desire to sup with you. I want to communicate my love. I want to communicate my plans. But you must still your heart. Take hold of my peace for it is available to all who would come. I have called you to this place of true surrender. So cast aside murmuring and do not be ashamed. Walk after the sumilitudes of Holiness and make righteousness your armor of truth. Be santified through the washing of my spirit. For I have loved you and am ready to do a new thing in and through your life. Submit your will. Drop your guard. And declare my peace.
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