Title: "Clothed in His Presence"

“As He is, so also are we in this world.” - 1 John 4:17

The Father says today, hide yourself in Me this day. Hide yourself in Me; clothe yourself in Me. Know that every hour, I am individuating Myself in you and rising up within you to the Full Measure of My Person in the Earth. Even as I said in My word, as I AM, so are YOU in this world. I have conveyed to you the expression of My personhood in the earth. When the enemy comes to assault and attack, make it your determination to find your concealment in who I AM in your life. Yes, says the Father, it is your entitlement in the midst of the storm to PUT ON CHRIST, and in so doing, you have donned the armor of My Spirit that will protect and shield you from the violence of sword and the depredations of the enemy against your life.

So respond in My strength and respond in My person, says the Father. You are not bereft of My grace or My favor. Do not believe the lie of the enemy that you have placed yourself beyond the parameters of My unconditional love. Forgive yourself and receive My forgiveness. Allow the release of My love to cleanse and change you. Receive the blessing of transformed character that makes you over in full today into My precise image.

#Fathersheartministry #WOMB

Morning Activation: “Hiding in Him”

As the day begins, take a moment to center yourself in the presence of the Father. 


Father, I thank You for inviting me to hide in You today. Help me to recognize Your presence in every moment.”


Picture yourself stepping into the cloak of His presence, feeling His warmth and protection envelop you. What does it mean to you to be clothed in Him?


Write down a specific area of your life where you need to put on Christ today. Commit to seeking His strength in that area throughout the day.

Noon Activation “Rising Up in Strength”

As you reach the midpoint of your day, pause to realign with the strength of the Father. 


 “Lord, I acknowledge that You are rising up within me. Help me to respond in Your strength and not my own.”


Consider any challenges or temptations you’ve faced today. How can you consciously choose to respond from a place of His power and not your limitations?


Take a moment to speak affirmations over yourself, such as: “I am a child of God. I am protected and shielded by His love. I walk in His strength.” Then, take a few deep breaths and visualize His armor surrounding you.

Night Activation

 “Embracing Forgiveness and Transformation”**

As the day comes to a close, create space to reflect on His love and forgiveness. 


“Father, thank You for Your unconditional love and the forgiveness You offer. Help me to forgive myself and accept the transformation You desire for me.”


Look back over your day. Did you encounter moments where you felt the enemy's lies? How can you replace those lies with His truth of love and acceptance?


Spend time journaling about what transformation means for you. What aspects of your character is He working on? Invite the Holy Spirit to guide you in this process and declare that you are being made into His precise image.

Closing Thought

Beloved, hiding in the Father is not an escape; it is your strength. As you clothe yourself in Christ, you become a living expression of His love and power in the world. Embrace His protection, accept His forgiveness, and step boldly into the transformation He is offering you today. Remember, you are never beyond the reach of His love.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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