Passion is an Act

Passion is defined as:

A strong feeling or emotion, an object of someone's love

When asked "What are you passionate about?" most people ask themselves, "What do I love?" Love is passion. When you are passionate about something, nothing can stop you from doing that thing, not money, not career, not family, not friends, nothing!

For believers who have surrendered their life to Christ, their passion lies in serving the most high. The bible refers to this "passion" as a "thirst and hunger for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)."

In the natural realm, food and water are necessary and without it we perish and are unable to sustain life. In that particular verse in Matthew, the ending states "for they will be filled." Imagine being stranded on an island with no food or water. In this analogy, your passion would be to find water and to food because you feel very strongly the need to survive. Everything that you do, and every move that you make would be to ensure that aforementioned passion is fed (literally in this case). Regardless of whether changes in the weather occur, or any other change, your passion will NOT be displaced.

In the spiritual aspect of thirsting and hungering for the righteousness of Christ, nothing and no changing circumstance will shake or remove your passion, and with that, your end result is being filled.

Now to stay with this scenario of you on an island, your passion is such based on your experience of having no food/water. Had you been placed on an island with food and water in great abundance, your island experience would be vastly different, and thus so would your passion. Passion is shaped by experience.

Matthew 22: 37-40 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul." Consider what it means to be passionate, now consider how much impact your heart, mind, and soul have when they are all in accordance with one another for a greater purpose!

Think about some things that you are passionate about. Now ask yourself, is this passion pleasing to God? Sometimes on the life journey, we can pick up bad habits that create an unintended passion within us. This negative passion could transpire through habitual patterns with certain people/materials/drugs/groups/music/hobbies, etc that have caused us to be removed from God's presence.

Galatians 5:24 “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Being a child of the most high God causes us to "long and faint for the courts of the lord," not only that, but our "heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God" (Psalms 84:2)

Passion is an act.

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