

Day 3: Cleansing

Forty is the number of cleansing. In the days of Noah, God sent the rain to cleanse the earth from everything that was not right. To destroy that which came to intervene in God's purpose. In order to fulfil God's plan for our life we need to rid ourselves of everything in the way that hinders from complete fulfilment of our destiny. Anything in the way must be removed that keeps you from following the lead of the Holy Spirit.

God's blessings on our life, relationships, and businesses begin with cleansing. This clears the airway in order to hear God's voice more distinctly. Think about it. God called a fast to rid the soul of filth, garbage, and spiritual debris; Isaiah 58. He called this fast to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo heavy burdens, to free the oppressed, and that every yoke might be broken from off of our life.

What are the things that cause you to stagnate or live outside of God's plans for you? Remember, whatever there is stagnation there is death; a lack of movement or life. In a person, place, or thing. The Word suggests that an older ox was attached to a younger ox. And the older ox determined the youngers direction. Our negative thoughts can act like that yoke. Thus, making one believe that who you once were, where you have come from, or what people have said about you are the determining factors of your destiny.

Nothing could be further from the truth. And God wants to set us free from this kind of thinking during this 40 DAY SOUL FAST.

(Stand by for part 2)

Awareness 101

“I now have a clearer understanding regarding the significance of who I truly am and why I am here at this particular point in history”

Use the 40 Day Soul Fast Journal, and answer the following 24 questions. (If you have not purchased one yet, find a notebook and designate it specifically to this 40-Day adventure). If you don’t know the answers, simply write down the questions and come back to them later. It is our prayer that by the end of the next days, you will have a clearer understanding regarding the significance of who you truly are and why you are here at this particular point in history.

1. Who am I outside of the roles I play?

2. What are my long-term goals?

3. What should I be doing with my life right now?

4. What are my strengths?

5. What are my weaknesses?

6. What direction will my life go if I continue doing what I’m doing?

7. How can I be sure I am in the right place, doing the right?

8. What is my purpose?

9. Who should I be partnering with?

10. What resources are available for me to accomplish my goals?

11. Do I like the person I’ve become?

12. What do I really want to achieve in this lifetime?

13. What brings me my greatest joy?

14. What am I really passionate about?

15. What frustrates me most or makes me sad?

16. If I could do something other than what I am doing now, what would that be?

17. If I could live somewhere else, where would that be?

18. Do these things that I do and am involved with make me feel good and happy?

19. Are my relationships mutually beneficial and symbiotic?

20. Is there room for improvement in my relationships?

21. What have I accomplished so far with my life? Is it enough?

22. If I could do one thing different, what would it be?

23. After my death, will future generations know that I lived?

24. How do I want people to remember me?

Set aside time to pray and journal your thoughts until you find the answers. “God’s Spirit touches our spirits and confirms who we really are; Romans 8:15”.

Make it Happen

If you have a passion or vision about doing something in life NOW is the time to START MOVING! Forget those things which are behind and PRESS toward the mark of [YOUR] high call in God #No more excuses #NOW is the time #MAKE IT HAPPEN for you don't know what doors could open up for you. If you just sit back and dream. Get UP ☝. Get OUT👉. And do something👍.


Take a journey with WEL INC. on a Soul fast. As we discover the authentic you by becoming free of everything [past and present] that has kept us from embracing who we were originally created to be. We will be challenged to deal with the things that had us bound and reunite with our real me. For those who would join together you are recommended to read Dr. Cindy Trimm's book titled,"40 Day Soul Fast". So you can reunite with your authentic you and together we can disover life's purpose, live ON PURPOSE, and make that passion inside come alive! Today we begin our journeys to becoming a better you #Let the journey begin

Your Voice Matters

This is truth! YOUR VOICE MATTERS and YES God DOES care about what happened to you. Allow Him to deliver you from the pain and hold you in your shame. In this you will be comforted and in this will come healing of your soul. You're not a product of what they did, but your MORE THAN A CONQUEROR in Christ Jesus #Why #Because He DOES LOVE YOU #and because GOD SAID SO

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Pained But Purposed to Win

She never expected to be a victim of abuse twice. At age 22, she married a man who wasn't a Christian. Within weeks of the wedding, he began to tell her she was worthless and stupid. In the midst of arguments, he would punch her with her own fists.

Feeling she had nowhere to turn, she stayed with him. Until one night when he pulled out his pistol. She watched in disbelief and panic as he toyed with the gun and eyed her.

Something snapped within her. "After he got out the gun," She then said, "I realized I'd done nothing that would have warranted him shooting me." She sought a divorce.

Eight years later, She married again. She felt certain this man would treat her well since he was a Christian. But just as before, within months this man began to verbally abuse her. After one fight, he said, "What are you going to do? Leave me? Everything you have is half mine now."

Mustering her courage, She confronted him. To her relief, he recommitted his life to Christ and joined a men's accountability group. But not long after that, the abuse escalated. He choked her, trapped her in rooms, isolated her from family and friends, and berated and demeaned her. She spiraled into depression.

"I constantly begged God to end my life," she admits.

Arise and Go! Without her husband's knowledge, she began to see a counselor, who told her that she was living in an abusive home. But it wasn't until a women's retreat that she finally saw clearly. "I realized that every year when I'd attend that women's retreat, I'd beg God to save my marriage. And every year I was at the same point of despair," she says. "God finally got through to me."

She prayed for direction and told God, "If you say go, I'll go." One day she heard God's words to Abraham as she read her morning devotional: "Arise and go hence." She called her attorney that morning. But still she carried shame and humiliation within. "I had two failed marriages, infant twins to care for, and I'd gained 90 pounds. I had difficulty just existing," she says.

One day, during a Sunday school class, the teacher asked everyone to partner up to discuss a passage about submission. She turned to the woman next to her and said, "I'm not sure I'm the right person to partner with."

"I was thinking the same thing," the woman said. "I'm getting a divorce," In response she said, "Me too. But mine's not a normal divorce. I have a restraining order against my Christian husband."

"So do I," She said. Soon after she began to hear about other women in her church with similar stories. A choir member whose husband sexually abused her. A woman who endured a 20-year marriage to an alcoholic. Another whose story of abuse mirrored Her own. The moral of all this?

Nothing you go through in life will be waisted. There is purpose to your pain. But sometimes it's found in the life of another. Your story does matter. It could be the saving grace for another just to make it through.

Declare Yourself a Winner

You were created for THIS moment RIGHT HERE! So when life knocks you down or you feel there's nowhere else to turn. Get back up and look in the mirror at SELF. Then repeat after me:

Say,"Self, I'm MORE THAN a conqueror! Self, I was not born to lose, but because Christ lives on the inside I can do anything BUT fail! Therefore self, I'm going to look 👀 you square in the face, and remind you that I have NO CHOICE BUT TO MAKE IT THROUGH"!

#Because you were created a winner #And when you're always trying you will do anything BUT fail😊

Spiritual Empowerment Coach
Gwen Stephens; WEL CEO

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Back2School Extravaganza

Sponsor a child today by donating to this cause. The event will be held in Cedar Terrace of Danville Virginia and is open to the general public. We can supercede our goal if you could get involved. All proceeds will go to Back2Supplies and funding for this event. Connect with us today #Sponsor a child with any donation amount. Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

Donate today

Passion is an Act

Passion is defined as:

A strong feeling or emotion, an object of someone's love

When asked "What are you passionate about?" most people ask themselves, "What do I love?" Love is passion. When you are passionate about something, nothing can stop you from doing that thing, not money, not career, not family, not friends, nothing!

For believers who have surrendered their life to Christ, their passion lies in serving the most high. The bible refers to this "passion" as a "thirst and hunger for righteousness (Matthew 5:6)."

In the natural realm, food and water are necessary and without it we perish and are unable to sustain life. In that particular verse in Matthew, the ending states "for they will be filled." Imagine being stranded on an island with no food or water. In this analogy, your passion would be to find water and to food because you feel very strongly the need to survive. Everything that you do, and every move that you make would be to ensure that aforementioned passion is fed (literally in this case). Regardless of whether changes in the weather occur, or any other change, your passion will NOT be displaced.

In the spiritual aspect of thirsting and hungering for the righteousness of Christ, nothing and no changing circumstance will shake or remove your passion, and with that, your end result is being filled.

Now to stay with this scenario of you on an island, your passion is such based on your experience of having no food/water. Had you been placed on an island with food and water in great abundance, your island experience would be vastly different, and thus so would your passion. Passion is shaped by experience.

Matthew 22: 37-40 says "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul." Consider what it means to be passionate, now consider how much impact your heart, mind, and soul have when they are all in accordance with one another for a greater purpose!

Think about some things that you are passionate about. Now ask yourself, is this passion pleasing to God? Sometimes on the life journey, we can pick up bad habits that create an unintended passion within us. This negative passion could transpire through habitual patterns with certain people/materials/drugs/groups/music/hobbies, etc that have caused us to be removed from God's presence.

Galatians 5:24 “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

Being a child of the most high God causes us to "long and faint for the courts of the lord," not only that, but our "heart and flesh sing for joy to the living God" (Psalms 84:2)

Passion is an act.

No Compromise

Don't compromise what God has for you. Even if it hasn't come to past. Don't give up, but ask God what you need to do in order to see the manifestations come to be. Sometimes it's what we're NOT doing that makes the promise seem delayed. Write the vision and make it plain. Get yourself a plan and work toward it #For faith without works is dead #Work towards the goal of becoming a better you

From the Desk of the Women's Empowerment Launch:

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Just When

Just when you feel like you can't or it won't happen. Think about the people who will be affected if it does NOT, and find strenth to push that much more! For it's never completly about us, but whose lives we can make a difference in. That's what matters most #What you make happen for others #GOD will make happen for YOU

Power of Vision

Sometimes we wait for God to give us instructions or messages, whether directly or through prophecy. But, there are times when God chooses another method of communication.

Has God ever shown you something with your spiritual eyes while you were awake or in your sleep? Did it leave you saying,

“This doesn’t even make sense”, “I wonder what the purpose is”,


“I wonder what I am supposed to do”?

Did you know in your gut that God was trying to tell you something? Maybe God was very clear with what He wanted you to see and provided you with clear instructions, as He did with Noah. Maybe what He showed you was symbolic or metaphoric, as He did with Pharoah. Nevertheless, God can communicate with whomever and however He chooses.

This is what you call a vision. Sometimes we are so busy in life that we don’t seek to hear God’s voice, or maybe we haven’t arrived at the place where we know His voice. When God gives us a vision, it is important and necessary to yield to it. This is evident in Habakkuk 2:2-3. God responded to Habakkuk’s questions by giving him a vision. He also instructed Habakkuk to

“Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it"

Writing the vision down on tablets preserved the message. These tablets served as the official record.

These scriptures let us know that having a vision alone is not enough. We have to also be able to put that vision into action. What are your visions? Do they coincide with what God has shown you?

What is the vision for your spiritual life? Your personal life? Your family? Your career?

If you don’t have one, then that could be the reason why you are struggling in that area. I challenge you to think about your current state and situations. Look deeper into those areas in your life that you desire improvement and follow these steps:

(1) Write a vision for those areas.
(Habakkuk 2:2, “Write the vision…”)

(2) Develop an action plan that will help you accomplish that vision.

(James 2:26, “…faith without works in dead”.

(3) Seek God first. (Matthew 6:33, “…seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”).

(4) Trust in the Lord (Proverbs 3:5-6, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Keep in mind that “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Proverbs 28:18).

Signed: Marquita Graves, Family Life Coach

~Be Empowered & LIVE~