Day 4

Love is thoughtful. How precious also are Your thoughts  to me.  . .  .How vast is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would outnumber the sand.   —Psalm  139:17–18 

If you're married or dating, contact your significant other sometime during the business of the day. Have no agenda other than asking how he or is doing and if there is anything you could do for them. If not married or dating, try this with your parents or best friend. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 3

Love is not selfish. Be devoted to one another in sisterly love; give preference to one another in honor. Romans 12:10 


Whatever you put your time, energy, and money  into  will become more important to you. It’s hard to care for something you are not investing in. Along with restraining from negative comments, buy someone something that says, “I  was thinking  of you today.” 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 2

Love is kind Be kind, tender-hearted, and forgiving, just as God  in Christ also has forgiven  you. —Ephesians  4:32 


In addition to  saying nothing negative again today, do at least one unexpected  gesture as  an act of kindness. 

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 1

Love is patient Be completely humble and  gentle;  be patient,  bearing  with others  in  love. —Ephesians 4:2  


The first part of  this dare  is fairly  simple. Although love  is communicated  in a number of  ways,  our words often  reflect the condition of  our  heart. For the  next day,  resolve  to  demonstrate patience  and to  say  nothing  negative at all. If the temptation  arises, choose not to say anything. It’s  better to  hold  your tongue  than  to  say something  you’ll regret.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Spread the Love

Give those to life flowers while they're alive. Don't wait until they die to celebrate who they were. But let them know through words that say, "I do care". You never know what someone needs to brighten up their day. Not tomorrow or next week. But right now. Or before the end of the today. So, howAbout it? WhatDoYouSay

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Speak Life

Speak that  God’s  anointing will destroy  every  yoke  in  your life  and that  your soul,  spirit,  and  body  now  function  in  order  according  to divine  systems  of  protocol  (1  Cor.  9:27;  14:40). Speak life

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Prayer Petition

Today, place  upon  yourself  the  armor  of  light  and  of  the  Lord  (Rom. 13:12;  Eph.  6:13–17): 

Truth  to  cover  your loins  (Ps.  51:6) The  breastplate  of  righteousness  to  cover  your heart and  chest  cavity  (Ps.  5:12;  2  Cor.  6:7) The  gospel  of  peace  to  cover  your feet  (Isa.  52:7) The  shield  of  faith  to  defensively  and  offensively  cover your body  (Heb.  10:38;  11:1,  6) The  helmet  of  salvation  to  cover  your head  (Isa.  59:17;  1 Thess.  5:8) The  sword  of  the  Spirit,  which  is  the  Word  of  God (Eph.  6:17;  Rev.  1:16) The  Lord  Jesus  Christ  (Rom.  13:14)

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Everybody Cant Go

Everybody's not meant to walk with you in all seasons of your life. Find out the purpose they're around for. And decide what to do from there. Choose wisely. And don't think twice about how things are meant to be. Now, remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Think Fabulously

What do you think about yourself? I think you're FABULOUS. And I know someone else who thinks so too. So why dontcha say we touch and agree. Believe because I believe. What do YOU see?

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Just Sing

Sometimes you have to sing to yourself,

"I've got a feeling that everything's gonna be alright. I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright. I've got a feeling everything's gonna be alright. Be alright. Be alright. Be alright. This one's for YOU!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

The Trumpet

by Bill Burns:

Do you hear it?  I hear the sound of water moving.  I hear the sound of rapids.  I hear the sound of waterfalls.  I hear the sound of the living water that is flowing to you on your behalf in this time, says the Lord.  I hear it.  Do you hear it?  I feel it.  Do you feel it?  Come into this place where the living waters are now touching you, renewing you and healing you; bringing you the wisdom, joy and peace that you need in your life this day. Allow the living waters to move into you, through you, and you will find your way.  The path of life will be opened and demonstrated to you as you go.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Push Through

You have what it takes to PUSH through! PAST adversity! BEYOND ill spoken words!! And ABOVE the chaos that comes throughout your day #ItSmiNdOveRMatter #PUSH THROUGH #Heavens Rooting for YOU

The Trumpet

by Bill Burns

I keep hearing the voice of the Spirit saying, call My people to a position of understanding that their desire to know Me is greater today than it was yesterday and greater in these moments than it ever has been before.  Tell them to forget the troubling things that are behind. To forget all those heartaches and failures that they remember because the enemy brings condemnation to them. Let them forget those things and press on into the high calling of this season and of this age into My presence. And, if they will do so I will lead them out of the valley of destruction. And, I will bring them forth into the light and hope of that which I have designed for each and every one of them. This is what I am calling you into today. Come and be one with Me. Come and know Me.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

I Speak Life

You want healing? See yourself healed! You NEED deliverance? See yourself delivered! All it takes is ONE miracle. One touch from the Master's hand. Speak over yourself. And be made whole! Get into the Word and meditate on His promises. I speak LIFE. You're gonna make it. Its time for you. To LIVE again!!

~Be Empowered & LIVE~