Daily Declaration: Financial Overflow


(Day 1)

"I am out of debt, all my needs are met, and I have plenty more to put in store"

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

In today’s study we are reminded that God is the source of all our supply! He is the source of unlimited riches and those riches are found in His glory. The nugget of truth in this scripture encourages us to become immersed in His presence. This is where all our needs are met.

Today, we are going to look at the key to debt-free living. God does not want us living in lack and in debt to anything or anyone. Psalm 35:27 says He delights in our prosperity, or financial success.

Debt is a demonic spirit designed to keep you from experiencing the abundant life Jesus made available to you in John 10:10. Debt destroys marriages, damages credibility, and drives people to suicide, murder, and BANKRUPTCY. These cycles are NOT a part of God’s plan of prosperity for His people. Why settle for “not enough” when the Word says He wants to give you more than enough to meet your needs?

A renewed mind is an important key to debt release (Ephesians 4:3). You cannot get out of debt if you believe Christians are supposed to be poor! There is NO lack in God! Believe what He says about you concerning debt and lack. He wants you to prosper. Abraham was strong in faith, always giving glory to God despite what it looked like in the natural realm (Romans 4:20). If God met every one of Abraham’s needs, He will do the same for us!

Genesis 12:2, 3 says, “Thou shalt be a blessing … and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Repeat after me,


This word means “Empowered to prosper and excel.” Why? So you can be a blessing to others! Finally, always remember that your money has a mission. It is not just for you; it has an assignment to prevent misfortune in the life of someone else. Take time to listen to God as He directs you to be a blessing.

Remember always to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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