Day 4: Financial Overflow

"I am the body of Christ, and Satan has no power over me"

Now you are the body of Christ, and members individually
(1 Corinthians 12:27)

Behold I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).

In today's teaching we are reminded that Satan has no power over us.  This means we do not have to journey through this life afraid of what the enemy can do to us! Jesus gave us authority to trample on serpents, scorpions, and over all of the power of the enemy, he then took it a step further and said nothing shall by any means hurt us. Let's look at the word trample. The dictionary defines it this way:

"to tread heavily, roughly, or carelessly over; to tread underfoot, to domineer harshly over; to crush, to put out or extinguish by trampling.” 

What is God saying to us? He is saying that He has given us power to domineer harshly over, crush, and extinguish the power of the enemy.  Praise God!

Jesus dominated the enemy at every turn. In Mark 5:8, He said to the devil, "Come out of the man, thou unclean spirit." Jesus spoke with authority; He didn't say, "Satan, if you don't mind, would you please come out of that man?" No, Jesus knew who He was and He knew He had authority over the enemy.  Well, it is time you and I become aware of and STAND FIRM in who we are in Christ and exercise the power God has given to us! God is the difference maker in our lives. In order to trample over the power of the devil, we must allow Him to help us change how we see ourselves. God sees us as victorious, powerful, and triumphant through His son Jesus Christ and it is imperative we see ourselves the same way. You are the body of Christ, and Satan has no power over you!

Ladies, I am praying for you as you embark upon this journey. Stay om course. Do not allow anything to get in the way. God is doing GREAT and MIGHTY things in your life!.

"Thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 15:57)."

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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Remember always to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Emails: Part 2

When is e-mail NOT an appropriate form of communication to use?

E-mail is not an effective means of communication when:

Your message is long and complicated or requires additional discussion that would best be accomplished face-to-face. For example, if you want feedback from your supervisor on your work or if you are asking your professor a question that requires more than a yes/no answer or simple explanation, you should schedule a meeting instead.

Information is highly confidential. E-mail is NEVER private! Keep in mind that your message could be forwarded on to other people without your knowledge. A backup copy of your e-mail is always stored on a server where it can be easily retrieved by interested parties, even when you have deleted the message and think it is gone forever.

Your message is emotionally charged or the tone of the message could be easily misconstrued. If you would hesitate to say something to someone's face, do not write it in an e-mail.

Who is your audience?

People have different opinions about the form and content of e-mails, so it is always helpful to be aware of the expectations of your audience. For example, some people regard e-mail as a rapid and informal form of communication--a way to say "hello” or to ask a quick question. However, others view e-mail as simply a more convenient way to transmit a formal letter. Such people may consider an informal e-mail rude or unprofessional.

A message like this one might be o.k. to send your friend, but not to your professor:

Hey Joan,
Do you know what the assignment is about? Can U help me?

Although it may be obvious to you that you wouldn't send such an e-mail to your professor, let's carefully examine what assumptions this message makes about the reader and his/her expectations. The tone of this message is very casual; it assumes that the reader knows who the sender is and has a close personal relationship with the sender. Because it contains an ambiguous reference to "the assignment,” this message also assumes that the reader is familiar with the subject matter at hand (for instance, it assumes the reader will know which course and which particular assignment the sender is referring to). In this message, the writer also makes an implicit assumption about the reader's familiarity with the slang that is often used when sending an instant message or text message. If the reader is not familiar with this type of slang, the "U” in "Can U help me?” might be confusing, or it might even be taken as a sign that the writer is too lazy to type out the word "you.”

Email Communication

This is a GREAT read and I thought I might share. Especially for those who struggle with this newer way to communicate. What might she be talking about? Email! Yup; you guessed it. Check out these usurps that I read in one of my Christian Leadership courses. And see if it helps you as much as it did myself


Effective E-mail Communication

What this handout is about

This handout is intended to help students, faculty, and University professionals learn to communicate more effectively using e-mail. It can help you determine when e-mail is and is not an efficient way of communicating and write e-mail that successfully conveys your message to your intended audience.


Although e-mail is a valuable communication tool, its widespread use in academic and business settings has introduced some new challenges for writers.

Because it is a relatively new form of communication, basic social conventions for writing and responding to e-mail are still being worked out. Miscommunication can easily occur when people have different expectations about the e-mails that they send and receive. In addition, e-mail is used for many different purposes, including contacting friends, communicating with professors and supervisors, requesting information, and applying for jobs, internships, and scholarships. Depending on your purposes, the messages you send will differ in their formality, intended audience, and desired outcome. Finally, the use of e-mail for advertising purposes has clogged communication channels, preventing some e-mails from reaching their intended audience. Writers are challenged to make their e-mail stand apart from "spam” and to grab and hold the attention of their audience.

So--how do you know when sending an e-mail is the most effective way of getting your message across? When is a brief message o.k., and when it is more appropriate to send a longer, more professional-sounding e-mail? How should a writer decide what style of writing is appropriate for each task? How can you prevent your e-mail from ending up in the junk pile? Keep reading for answers to these questions!

When is e-mail the appropriate form of communication to use?

E-mail is a good way to get your message across when:

You need to get in touch with a person who is hard to reach via telephone, does not come to campus regularly, or is not located in the same part of the country or world (for instance, someone who lives in a different time zone).
The information you want to share is not time-sensitive. The act of sending an e-mail is instantaneous, but that does not mean the writer can expect an instantaneous response. For many people, keeping up with their e-mail correspondence is a part of their job, and they only do it during regular business hours. Unless your reader has promised otherwise, assume that it may take a few days for him/her to respond to your message.

You need to send someone an electronic file, such as a document for a course, a spreadsheet full of data, or a rough draft of your paper.

You need to distribute information to a large number of people quickly (for example, a memo that needs to be sent to the entire office staff).
You need a written record of the communication. Saving important e-mails can be helpful if you need to refer back to what someone said in an earlier message, provide some kind of proof (for example, proof that you have paid for a service or product), or review the content of an important meeting, deadline, memo.

(stay tuned for part 2)

Strength to Run On

Be not dismayed at promises that seem delayed. And know [also] that your labor is not in vain. For some have sown much and reaped little. And others have sacrificed time and things they can only cherish as they continue to give. That others will have joy and substance. That they [too] may believe and live! Believe [ye] now that your labour [and seeds] of love was not sown in vain. Yet a little while now and you WILL BEGIN to see change. Sooner than you can think. Should you dare to believe. That everything you need will be given to you. Stay powered up! And encouraged in the faith. He will never leave you alone. You DO HAVE STRENGTH TO RUN THIS RACE.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 3: Financial Overflow

"Because I am a giver, my hands will be blessed"

The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself (Proverbs 11:25).

In today’s study, we are reminded that giving to others guarantees that we will always have something in our hands to give. He who waters will also water himself! Believers have an advantage over the world that enables us to be successful, prosperous, and productive, even in the midst of economic crisis. There is no question the world system, with its institutions and ways of doing things, is failing. Financial bailouts and rescue plans cannot change this fact. However, the Word of God is our guarantee of security in the midst of hard times. Now, more than ever, is the time to plug into the promises of God and remain focused on Him.

The Kingdom of God system supersedes the world’s system. It is a system that has an abundance of resources, wisdom, and assistance available for us. While the world is talking about recession and living in fear, you can tap into the infinite and unlimited resources of Heaven to get your needs met at any time, no matter what is going on around you.
As it pertains to financial security, a key to making sure your needs are met on a consistent basis is to tap into the wisdom of God where your money is concerned. Practical advice is just as important as the spiritual side of things. Here are some practical tips:

1. Be a giver.
When you give from a pure heart, trusting God to meet your needs, you are guaranteed a harvest. Seedtime and harvest is a spiritual law that will work for anyone who will get involved. It is through giving that we prosper in the Kingdom of God. Instead of being one who hoards your finances out of fear, be willing to keep an open hand. This way, God can bless you in the same way you bless others.

2. Be frugal in your spending.
Allow God to direct your spending habits instead of impulsively buying things. Consider those things you absolutely need right now versus the things you can do without. Allow God to bless you with the desires of your heart at the right time. Do not spend money you do not have or live beyond your means. Your next level will be guaranteed by walking in wisdom.

3. Stay out of debt.
Debt is part of the world’s system, particularly when you find yourself using credit cards to pay your bills, buy items you cannot afford, or acquire things on credit to keep up appearances. A good rule of thumb is, if you cannot pay your credit card bill off every month, you should not buy things on credit. Only use the plastic if absolutely necessary, and if you know you have the cash to pay the bill. Do not take on any debt right now if you can avoid it and work diligently to pay off existing debt.

These three simple keys can help you tremendously during the difficult times in which we live. By adding the spiritual with the practical, you will access the supernatural power of God to transform your finances!


1) Do you have any spending habits that need to change?

2) How are you going to get to a place where you can experience the blessing from giving?

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Day 2: Financial Overflow

"God takes pleasure in my prosperity, thus I do not lack any good thing"

Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that favor my righteous cause: yea, let them say continually, Let the LORD be magnified, which hath pleasure in the prosperity of his servant (Psalm 35:27).

In today’s study we are reminded that in order to get out of debt, we must follow God’s example in Genesis chapter 1, and call things that are not as THOUGH THEY WERE; (Romans 4:17).

Psalm 35:27 says,

“Let them say continually.”

Consistent confessions of faith create new realities in your life based on God’s Word.

Right now, we are going to settle the truth that God WANTS you blessed! In fact, He takes pleasure in your prosperity because you are His servant! The enemy has deceptively convinced many Believers that somehow it is holy to be poor. Contrary to this belief, God does not receive glory from you being poor; especially when your poverty is directly caused by rejection of the Word of God concerning your inheritance of prosperity.

In Deuteronomy 28, God promises to bless us. It literally means He empowers us to prosper. Verse 5 mentions our baskets and stores being blessed. If we were to translate that into today’s language, baskets would be our purses or wallets, and stores would be our bank accounts or the places we store money. Verse 8 tells us the Lord will command His blessings upon us. In verse 11, He promises to make us plenteous in goods. And finally verse 12 states that God wants to give us His “good treasure.”

If you continue reading, you will discover the Scripture says that as His children we should,

“lend unto many and not borrow.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but if God wants to do all of that for me, I want to receive it! Third John 1: 2 sums it all up for us:

"Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth."

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Daily Declaration: Financial Overflow


(Day 1)

"I am out of debt, all my needs are met, and I have plenty more to put in store"

But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19).

In today’s study we are reminded that God is the source of all our supply! He is the source of unlimited riches and those riches are found in His glory. The nugget of truth in this scripture encourages us to become immersed in His presence. This is where all our needs are met.

Today, we are going to look at the key to debt-free living. God does not want us living in lack and in debt to anything or anyone. Psalm 35:27 says He delights in our prosperity, or financial success.

Debt is a demonic spirit designed to keep you from experiencing the abundant life Jesus made available to you in John 10:10. Debt destroys marriages, damages credibility, and drives people to suicide, murder, and BANKRUPTCY. These cycles are NOT a part of God’s plan of prosperity for His people. Why settle for “not enough” when the Word says He wants to give you more than enough to meet your needs?

A renewed mind is an important key to debt release (Ephesians 4:3). You cannot get out of debt if you believe Christians are supposed to be poor! There is NO lack in God! Believe what He says about you concerning debt and lack. He wants you to prosper. Abraham was strong in faith, always giving glory to God despite what it looked like in the natural realm (Romans 4:20). If God met every one of Abraham’s needs, He will do the same for us!

Genesis 12:2, 3 says, “Thou shalt be a blessing … and in thee shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” Repeat after me,


This word means “Empowered to prosper and excel.” Why? So you can be a blessing to others! Finally, always remember that your money has a mission. It is not just for you; it has an assignment to prevent misfortune in the life of someone else. Take time to listen to God as He directs you to be a blessing.

Remember always to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

New Book Release


(daily devotional)

We all could use a dose of inspiration to start our day off right:). Here is 365 days worth and I'm grateful to share
them with YOU! Purchase your copy today. Thanks for your
support. You inspire ME to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

(available in e-book format only)