Busy Schedules Reality Check

1) What in my schedule is making me busy but not productive?

2) Are there certain habits that contribute to my staying too busy?

3) Are there big picture things that need to be addressed?

4) Do I have help in deciding my priorities?

5) Do I need help in managing my priorities?  

Practical Ways to Avoid Busyness vs. Productivity:

*Decide how you are going to do talking and listening with God repeatedly in each of these Connections.

1) Get a sustainable plan.
2) Do it.
3) Discover your walls.

"Watch Out Not To Be Too Busy"

“Driven people are usually abnormally busy. They are usually too busy for the pursuit of ordinary relationships in marriage, family, or friendship … not to speak of one with God.”

All these are great questions to begin with. Take time to discover better ways you can connect without becoming more busy and less productive.

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