Daily Vitamin 💊

1. You are blessed and highly favored by God

2. Your territory and capacity of influence is enlarging 

3. The hand of the Lord is upon your life 

4. Your needs will be supplied according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus

5. You are a good and perfect gift in whom is no variableness and neither shadow of turning

6. You are a lender and not a borrower

7. You are blessed coming in and blessed going out

8. You are established as a holy nation because you keep the ways of God

9. The heavens rain upon your life and the works of your hands are blessed

10. Your cup will run over with goodness and favor all the days of your life 

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The Global Network Of Women on the Move encourages YOU to remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Daily Vitamin 💊

1. You push past negativity and doubts of failure and defeat

2. Your light shines [even] in rooms you’re not physically standing in

3. You embrace challenges as opportunities for growth and expansion 

4. The once imagined platforms are now floors that you are standing on

5. You set milestones that lead to your success 

6. You make way for others to walk into their own destiny 

7. You are not intimidated by another woman’s accomplishments

8. You are a catalyst that impacts the past, present, and future generations

9. Your heart is fixed, your mind is alert, and your vision is set on what it takes to get it done

10. You break down walls, leap over stepping stones, and represent excellence regardless of how the wind blows

The Global Network Of Women on the Move encourages YOU to remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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Daily Vitamin 💊

1. You do NOT hold offenses in your heart

2. You are HEALED and set free from hurts, traumas, and rejections 

3. You are strengthened by God Most High

4. By His stripes YOU ARE HEALED 

5. With long life you are satisfied

6. You are BETTER and not bitter

7. You walk with a merry heart and within is the spirit of liberty

The Global Network Of Women on the Move encourages YOU to remember ALWAYS to

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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Founders Desk Weekly Vitamin 💊

1. You can do all things through CHRIST who gives you strength 

2. Today you WILL set goals and accomplish them 

3. You are humble, grateful, and confident

4. You live with NO regrets

5. You do not live in your past because there is so much hope in your present 

6. You have a success mindset

7. You walk as royalty because you are just that 

8. You are fearfully and wonderfully made

9. You are the head and not the tail, above and not beneath 

10. Serving in excellence is your legacy

The Global Network Of Women on the Move encourages YOU to 

Remember ALWAYS to,

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

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