Daily Vitamin 💊
IAmSHE is for anyone who dares to master the mindset, that they can do whatever they envision, that they can push past all doubt and uncertainties, and that they are ALREADY winning at what they were placed on Earth to do and be!!
#Exodus 3:14
Daily Vitamin 💊
It’s necessary to know who you are and WHOSE you are; a royal AND peculiar priesthood. It is not up for everyone to “understand”, because you’re cut from a different cloth! Now, RISE UP AND BE!
Daily Vitamin 💊
Everything you would ever do begins in the mind. Any place you will ever go has a set time. Any dream you birth will meet a measuring line. The only thing to do right now, is define the meaning of your why?
Daily Vitamin 💊
It’s time to take the limits off of your potentialities, kick doubt out the door, and turn those dreams into realities; excuses NO MORE!
Daily Vitamin 💊
Silence sometimes means you have a choice on what to say, and you choose to speak WITH the sound that silence makes.
Daily Vitamin 💊
The people who you most greatly influence are the people most like you. That said, what are three characteristics of the people you want on your team?
Now, look at those three characteristics and examine yourself. Do you hold those qualities? If so, then you will not attract what you want, but you will attract who you are.
Tuesday Vitamin 💊
You have to believe that no matter what it looks like in your physical, it’s turning around for you!
Friday Vitamin 💊
In this re-creation there is no distinction between Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian and conqueror, or slave and free because the Anointed is the whole and dwells in us all. [13] Put up with one another. Forgive. Pardon any offenses against one another, as the Lord has pardoned you, because you should act in kind. [14] But above all these, put on love! Love is the perfect tie to bind these together. [15] Let your hearts fall under the rule of the Anointed's peace (the peace you were called to as one body), and be thankful.
Thursday Vitamin 💊
Do not allow someone else’s value of your worth become your downfall. Remain confident, humble, and free. Rise ABOVE all noise, and SOAR into your destiny!
Wednesday Vitamin 💊
To die to self, is to become one with Christ. Who thought it not robbery to be equal with God. For IN God [alone] is life. This is the mindset that we must have. To exchange the temporal [morality] for the eternal [immorality]. For to die IS GAIN and to live IS CHRIST.
Monday Vitamin 💊
A new days dawning and the climb begins. Not for the one who walks away but the one who sticks it out until the end. For them the harvest yields much fruit from the seed to harvesting.
Thursday Vitamin 💊
Sometimes opportunity appears as a moment of defeat. Victory comes in ones ability to recognize potential as a win in rising.
Wednesday Vitamin 💊
Become so determined, that if you have to go in a way you knew not before, do just that. For He who has chosen you for the journey ahead will help you get to your place of fulfillment.
Monday Vitamin 💊
Time is the highest currency in the Earth. When managed appropriately, the return on investment (ROI) speaks for itself.
Thursday Vitamin 💊
There are many things that we are called to do. Many people who we are assigned to. Yet, the greatest gift of all that we can be, is that of love and unity.