Yes You Can

You are in control of your life. Situations may arise, but the wiring of the LORD within has already equipped you with the necessary tools to OVERCOME. You will overcome!

Three Types

There are three types of people in life: those who look up to you, those who pour into you, and those who take away from you.  The responsibility to identify amongst the three is yours.

How Bad Do You Want It

You can lead a horse to the water but you cannot make him drink. He has to want it bad enough for himself. That’s the lesson. That YOU cannot do it for him! He has to want it bad enough to make it happen for himself. How bad do YOU want it?

In All Things

When we know that God is with us in all things, it’s not difficult to BE STILL AND KNOW that God is in control. This takes setting your spirit and getting into a place of calmness and peace.