Bless the Stress

Bless the Stress and MOVE ON

Some people say A
LITTLE ANXIETY IS A GOOD THING! It pushes you to study harder, to practice more of the things you do well, or to get more involved in  good  causes.  This could just show you care about the outcome. But the key is “a little.” Let anxiety  become  the  ruler  of  your  life,  the  king  of  your  domain, the nagging voice that feeds your nightmares, and you’ll find yourself  on  shaky ground. That kind of stress just makes you a mess. Martin Luther suggested it would be a good idea to  simply  “pray  and let  God worry.” He  had the right idea. Do pray. Talk things through with God and  let  him  remind  you  who  defines your worth. He does. Not school or work or scholarships or even acts of service.  Just  God. If you’re walking around with so much stress you can’t function well, then you need to seek out earthly help too. Parents, teachers, friends, and counselors can all make a difference if you let them. Give up the kind of stress that ruins your days, and give in to getting the right kind of  help when you need it.

True Image Devotional

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you; 1 Peter 5:6 – 7
Lord, I keep thinking I can just let things go, but I don’t. Please help me to remember I’m not alone. I have you, and I have others who care about me too. Today, I put all my worries in your hands. Thank you, Lord. Amen.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~