New Lenses and Clearer View

What you see is NOT your REAL enemy! That person, financial difficulty, problem that seems never to rid itself to give you breakthrough. None of what you see is pestering you. But the enemy behind the issue at hand. And AGAINST HIM we HAVE TO take a stance. By realising who we are in Him ☝. And putting on what we are given. The Armor of God.

But what is this Armor and how do we wear it -- so to speak? That's a great question that we'll cover in the week's ahead. But for now our eye's are being elightened to what is really true. First thing first is suiting up. Change of lense #Clearer view

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

LiveLifeSTANDING Podcast

Follow AND listen to episodes on our newly launched Podcast. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes on how to LiveLifeSTANDING w/Gwen Stephens -- Podcast Host and Women's Empowerment Launch: Women of Faith and Power Founder and Visionary. You are personally invited to:

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

(click link below to follow)

stay tuned for broadcasts!

The Armor of God Series

Hey ladies, you're invited to join us for the next 7-10 weeks as we engage in studies about the Armor of God. Follow along in our daily posts from Priscilla Shirer's book, "The Armor of God", and feel free to comment too! The book is filled with daily reads and interactive study guides. You are NOT alone!! For there is a host of angels assigned to aide your side. Let us LOCK ARMS TOGETHER as we gain strategies on how we can better STAND in HIM. Week one's video is below for you to view. Remember always to:

(video link below)

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

21 Day Daniels Fast

Beginning December 1st we will engage in 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer. This fast will consist of NO MEATS and NO SWEETS for 21 DAYS. You can do it. Let the weak say I am strong! You're at a great place to prepare right now for the fast. Especially that we're studying the armor of God. Remember to read the Word daily, pray in the spirit fervently, and be aware of what you take into your spirit during your time of fasting and prayer. God is going to do something in each of you as you deny yourself of what your body wants, take up your cross daily, and follow Him. If you would like a book on prayer inbox me and I will send you all the link. It's time to GO HIGHER IN HIM.