Workplace Bully

Why do women undergo more bullying in the workplace than men? Is it because of intimidation, self esteem issues? Or does it have something to do with our need to let others know how much authority in position we have? And what could happen if anyone does a little bit better at what we do and DARES to get in the way?

While doing my research, I found more articles about women who would rather have a male boss than a female? Why is this so? More articles on catty women who pick on other's in the workplace? Why is this so? And more women who would rather step on other's to get to the top. Insead of extending a ladder for their co-worker to climb onboard. They take the latter WITH THEM WHEN THEY GO UP. Why is this so? This just ought not be!

Ladies, before I give my input let's hear what YOU have to say. Because I'm certain there are many who face these or similiar issues while at work. And because they don't want to lose their cool (and their jobs too) they just let it go. All while tension and built up anger is on the rise. And their spirit's crushed from everything they hold inside. Ultimately, causing bitterness, hatred, and sometimes even their dreams to be silent, roll over, become forgotten, and ultimately die. Again, I ask the question,"Why does this occur, and THIS OUGHT NOT BE SO".

Your input here is welcome and its needed too. Tell us, during times like these, what are some of the things that YOU might [or would] do. Empowerment for us, from us, and meant for YOU, you, you, and YOU #We want to hear what YOU have to say

Waiting to Exhale

Who in your life are you holding something against? Would it be easier to continue in bitterness and not forgive? Or might you admit in the peace you would have if you do #Relax #Relate #And RELEASE

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

Love Again...Life Goes On

Ladies, this is REAL TALK. Please try to look past what you see [in who he is or whomever else this video shows], and listen to the wisdom in what he has to say. There's nothing wrong with an independent and strong woman. So long as it doesn't leave her all alone. And loneliness is not an end to means within itself. Some men do want what you have to give. But we have to be willing to look past our hurt and bitterness over what the last man did or did not do. And believe that there is someone out there for each of you. God made him just for you. You do deserve to be loved. And God does not want you to be alone. With patience [and as you position yourself and wait on God], love will find for your heart a happy home.

~Be Empowered & LIVE~

(YouTube Video: Tyrese Gibson presents The Independent Woman)

Spirit Husband

For those in wait of your husband to be. This may be a good reading for you. Although some points may not pertain to your life, others may be something to consider that you may not even realize is what's stopped you from breaking through to who God has for you #Spirit Husbands #How to break those ties

~Be Empowered & LIVE~


Ladies, we have to stop talking about it and begin to PRAY about it! The only person who can fix what we're going through is the,"Person", of the Holy Ghost. Facebook can't fix it. Gossip will only make it worst. And trying to figure it out on our own will only lead to more confusion in the end #Prayer works #Hand it over to the Lord in prayer #And I PROMISE He'll make it ALRIGHT

Become a HOUSE of PRAYER